More Trees BANES
More Trees Banes is a not-for-profit community group that works hard to protect and plant trees around Bath and North-East Somerset
Grow Yourself is a Community Interest Company which offers offers a range of volunteering, training and work placement opportunities to adults in the Bath and North East Somerset area.
Set up in 2008, run entirely by volunteers More Trees have so far planted 8,000 trees and are currently significantly scaling up their work.
During the winter the bulk of the tree planting takes place and the rest of the year the young trees require weeding, mulching, restaking etc. Volunteers also help with fundraising, planning projects, social media and finance management.
Inspiring households, schools, community groups and businesses is also a key aspiration.
Restore Our Planet are pleased to support Grow Yourself who are partnering with More Trees to create a network of at least 10 new tree nurseries centered around local schools.
Although there are some excellent commercial nurseries in the UK keeping up with an increasing demand they often have to import saplings from abroad. The initial target is to grow at least 5,000 trees from locally collected seed each year.
Grow Yourself will offer professional advice and practical support in the set up and maintenance of these nurseries ensuring appropriate design and tree quality.
Grow Yourself also engages with schools, the young unemployed and people with mental health issues

Photograph: courtesy More Trees

Photograph: courtesy More Trees

Photograph: courtesy More Trees

Photograph: courtesy More Trees

Photograph: courtesy More Trees

Photograph: courtesy More Trees

Photograph: courtesy More Trees