Earth Restoration Service
The aim of the School Flutter Flower project is to create wildflower habitats in School grounds and in communities all over the UK. This is designed to complement the School Tree Nursery Programme ( STNP ) supported by Restore Our Planet for a number of years.
The decline in wildflower environments can be attributed to a number of issues. Changes in land use via `conventional` farming which uses herbicides and insecticides coupled with machines that allow vast areas of former meadows to be ploughed up or cut for silage before wildflowers can set seed; human population increase resulting in increased building development; traditional cottage gardens being substituted for ornamental non-native plants.
Almost any area of ground can be restored with plants appropriate for any soil types with a sunny or shady aspect. Hedgerows, ponds, stony ground and wooded areas can all be enhanced with wild grasses, sedges and flowers. This would also help to boost dwindling invertebrate populations including butterflies. Earth Restoration Service will assess each area by putting forward a biological feasibility study for each school to see what soil type and habitats already exist.
Plants already on site will be recorded then appropriate native wild plants introduced. Restore Our Planet will annually liaise with ERS regarding respective requirements for both this Programme and STNP.

Photo: © Earth Restoration Service