Sussex Wildlife Trust
Filsham Bittern project
The SSSI – Filsham reed-bed is the largest reed bed in Sussex, tucked away in the Combe Haven valley between Bexhill and Hastings. It is a large patchwork of reed-bed, sedge swamp, rushes and open water.
The valley is an important migration route for birds, and the reedbed is a crucial stopping off point for thousands of swallows and warblers, and much rarer species such as marsh harrier and bittern. Unusual plants such as frogbit, water violet and the insectivorous bladderwort flourish wherever enough light reaches the water surface.
In the year 2000 Restore Our Planet contributed match funding in order to help finance phase 2 of an ambitious project to improve the water management of the site.

Bladderwort at Filsham Reedbed.
Photo: © SWT