Moor Trees
Launched thanks to funding from the Big Lottery Fund`s Breathing Places programme and as part of the Dartington Estate Landscape project, this exciting tree nursery project started in summer 2008. The project has four strands – tree growing, biodiversity, community and education – all feeding into the main aim of Moor Trees, the restoration of native UK woodland.
Restore Our Planet has agreed to help fund the next stage of the project at Hunters Moon near Dartington in Devon. The first batch of locally collected tree seed (predominantly acorns) have been sown in the newly created raised beds. These will ultimately be lifted as saplings (`whips`) and planted in local ancient woodlands. Other species to be grown include Ash, Birch, Hazel, Rowan and Hawthorn.
A wet area, wildlife hedgerow, bird boxes and insect habitats have also been introduced at the site. The local community has been engaged through volunteers of all ages working at the site each week while various volunteering and practical conservation courses will be made available to people of all abilities.

First acorns sown in raised beds.
Photo: © Hunters Moon