Freshwater Habitats Trust
Freshwater Habitats Trust is the national charity dedicated to protecting freshwater life for everyone to enjoy. They carry out research, promote practical action, give advice and lobby policy makers to ensure that freshwater wildlife and habitats have a secure future.
The Million Ponds Project initiative aims to reverse a century of loss and decline in Britain`s ponds, so that once again we have a million ponds in the British countryside. The project will bring clean water back to many landscapes and create vital new wildlife habitats. The first 4 years of the project ran from 2008-2012 and within this time funded new ponds and pond complexes for threatened freshwater plants and animals, provided technical and on the ground support, engaged with and trained a range of stakeholders and raised the profile of ponds and their value in the media and with policy makers across England and Wales.
Restore Our Planet provided support for the creation of ponds for BAP species by providing match funding for 53 ponds at 13 sites in Wales. The ponds were specifically designed for species including Water Vole, Otter, Common Toad, Great Crested Newt, protected bats and rare plants like Pillwort and Three-lobed Crowfoot.

Creating clean-water ponds is one of the best ways to protect freshwater wildlife.
Photo: Sue Beckingham