Friends of the Earth
Friends of the Earth ( FoE ) is calling for local action to prevent dangerous climate change through their Get Serious About CO2 campaign which calls on local authorities to cut their carbon emissions.
Emissions from local activities such as powering homes and offices or travelling to work or school amount to a massive 80% of the UK`s total climate pollution. If we are to meet our national commitments in the world leading Climate Change Act we need to tackle climate change where we can get the best results, locally. FoE are calling for local councils to commit to cutting their emissions by 40% by 2020 and Government to introduce a nationwide system of local carbon budgets. At a local level they will work closely with their network of 230 grassroots volunteer groups to encourage their councils to create and lead strategies to reduce carbon emissions in homes, businesses an transport.
At national level FoE will provide decision makers with research demonstrating the benefits to local economies and people of cutting carbon emissions. Many councils and decision makers are already on board but more need to sign up to persuade the Secretary of State for Energy and Climate Change to introduce local carbon budgets for every council and to provide government support to help them reach targets.
The latest science tells us that carbon emissions need to fall immediately, and quickly, so that we avoid dangerous climate change. The alternative is that billions of the world`s poorest people will be left homeless and hungry and species and habitats will continue to be destroyed.
For more information about the campaign watch this short film (opens a new window)

Londoner Dave Dayes shows off his solar panels, an easy solution to our home energy needs which could be rolled out across the UK thanks to Friends of the Earth’s Get Serious campaign.
Photo: © Solar Century