Butterfly Conservation
The Morecambe Bay Limestone Hills are the single most important area for butterflies in northern England. This area is the national stronghold for the High Brown Fritillary, a UK BAP Priority Species and one of our most threatened species.
The Morecambe Bay Limestone Hills also support important populations of six other rare and threatened butterflies, the Pearl-bordered Fritillary, Northern Brown Angus, Duke of Burgundy, Small Pearl-bordered Fritillary, Dingy Skipper and the Grayling.
The Cumbria branch of Butterfly Conservation organises 10 conservation work parties in this area every year but without the necessary equipment progress can be limited as they struggle to keep pace with scrub growth that is overwhelming the butterfly`s habitat, shading out the nectar sources and the caterpillar food plants.
Restore Our Planet has agreed to provide the funding for the purchase of all required equipment.

The High Brown Fritillary - one of Britain’s rarest butterflies.
Photo: © R Goodison