Nottinghamshire Wildlife Trust
Mansfield District has a number of rare habitat types of international importance. However, a majority of local people are unaware of their existence and in fact have a negative opinion of the local natural environment.
Restore Our Planet has helped fund this project, which aims to co-ordinate local groups, and most importantly schools, to change this perception, encourage local people to feel more positive about their local environment and encourage their involvement in the management of Local Nature Reserves (LNRs).
Working with individuals, community groups and schools the Nottinghamshire Wildlife Trust’s project officer has co-ordinated the establishment of volunteer groups, organised guided walks, open days and other events to engage local people in the management and enjoyment of their local environment.
Natural Connections Mansfield has been one of the success stories for nature conservation in the County. Not only by providing a sustainable infrastructure for the preservation of valuable areas through the designation and protection of local green spaces, but also the fact that the project has been able to encourage so many people to take part in the protection of their local environment.

A Natural Connections' community day - Quarry Lane, near Mansfield.
Photo: © NWT