Barn Owl Trust
The Barn Owl Trust carries out a wide range of important activities in pursuit of its main aim, the conservation of the Barn Owl and its environment. This includes practical conservation work, scientific research, the production and distribution of educational material, school visits and the operation of a free national information and advice service and welfare facilities for sick and injured owls.
At the reserve at Waterleat in Devon the Trust is looking to re-plant an old orchard with traditional varieties of apples. This will provide a great source of food all year round for small mammals and in turn Barn Owls. The orchard will be situated next to a 25 acre plot of rough grassland which is ideal hunting habitat. Restore Our Planet have agreed to fund the scrub clearance where the orchard will be located and the purchase of the appropriate trees.

Barn owl flying over rough grass.
Photo: Nick Sampford © Barn Owl Trust

Barn owl perched.
Photo: Nick Sampford © Barn Owl Trust