Tree Aid
The project aim is to use local women to promote sustainable management of forest resources in an area of Burkina Faso subject to rapid deforestation and increasingly vulnerable to processes of desertification.
In total 24,759 people are benefiting from the scheme across 40 villages. 1600 mostly female members of an association whose name translates as ‘Positive steps for self reliance’, are involved in managing 40 hectares of community based natural woodland in 8 villages. With a further five villages and schools benefiting from the establishment of tree nurseries and training programs.
These nurseries are raising 30,000 seedlings which are being planted out in community woodlots for the provision of firewood, and shelter belts and windbreaks to prevent further soil degradation.
The Dano project has trained almost 3,000 people in tree management and community forest resource management techniques. Backed by the establishment of 29 hectares of designated communal woodlots in the villages and schools which is providing a dedicated resource, replacing the need to fell indigenous hardwood trees which are essential for the continued viability of the land.

Women beneficiaries meet in shade of a mango tree.
Photo: © TreeAID