Wildlife Conservation Society
The Wildlife Conservation Society works throughout the world to save ‘Living Landscapes’ – large wild ecosystems that are amongst the most biologically important regions on earth. Over the past 100 years WCS has helped governments around the world create more than 130 parks and protected areas, spanning hundreds of thousands of square miles.
Restore Our Planet’s support was focused at protecting tiger habitats. Tigers are critically endangered today having been reduced to 5% of their former abundance in just 100 years. Restore Our Planet’s support has helped allow WCS to take the lead in creating synergy among their individual tiger projects to bolster their impact on tiger conservation at the global level.
This has resulted in the formation of the ‘Tigers Forever’ initiative. This initiative is an ambitious programme aimed at increasing tiger populations across key WCS sites by 50% over 10 years. The focus being India, Thailand, Cambodia, Laos, Indonesia, China and Malaysia. Activities supported include identifying and protecting critical habitats, training park guards and educational campaigns about traditional medicines.

Photo: Julie Larsen Maher © WCS