Rainforest Concern
Rainforest Concern protect threatened natural habitats, particularly rainforests and the biodiversity they contain, together with the indigenous people who still depend on them for their survival. To this end they purchase, lease and manage, for protection, threatened native forest with exceptional bio diversity.under threat from encroachment by developers and agri-business the Yawanawa people (a remote indigenous forest community in central Brazil) are seeking help to protect their rainforest environment and traditional lifestyle.
Restore Our Planet has contributed to Rainforest Concern’s work in the area. RFC have formed partnership with 670 members of the Yawanawan people so that they themselves can work effectively as guardians of their 240,000 acres of primary rainforest. RFC are trying to strengthen the local community’s sense of identity encouraging the use of the Yawanawa language in the village schools, by producing books in the language for the first time, and by incorporating Yawanawa history into the curriculum.
In supporting these tribal people, their land ownership and lifestyle RFC will effectively limit any alternative activities in the area such as logging and cattle farming.

Photo: © Rainforest Concern